
⚠️ The time listed below is Eastern European Summer Time (EEST) ~ UTC+3 ⚠️


08:30 - 09:00


Time Subject

Opening Remarks

Aaron Ding (TU Delft), Atakan Aral (Umeå University, Sweden), Volker Hilt (Nokia Bell Labs)

Keynote #1: Torsten Braun - University of Bern, Switzerland
"Federated and Split Machine Learning in the Internet of Things"

09:10 - 10:10

Session #1: Edge Hardware

10:10 - 10:30

Time Subject Resources

Toward GPU-centric Networking on Commodity Hardware

Massimo Girondi, Mariano Scazzariello, Gerald Q. Maguire Jr., and Dejan Kostić (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

Coffee Break ☕

10:30 - 11:00

Session #2: Edge Systems

11:00 - 12:30

Time Subject Resources

Stateful VM Migration Among Heterogeneous WebAssembly Runtimes for Efficient Edge-cloud Collaborations

Daigo Fujii, Katsuya Matsubara (Future University Hakodate), Yuki Nakata (SAKURA internet Inc.)

Serverless Runtime / Database Co-Design With Asynchronous I/O

Pekka Enberg, Sasu Tarkoma (University of Helsinki), Jon Crowcroft (University of Cambridge), Ashwin Rao (University of Helsinki)

PathFS: A File System for the Hierarchical Edge

Vinicius Dantas de Lima Melo, Myles Thiessen, Aleksey Panas (University of Toronto), Alexandre da Silva Veith (Nokia Bell Labs), Keijiro Yano (Konica Minolta), Oana Balmau (McGill University), Eyal de Lara (University of Toronto)

Best Paper Award
ShutPub: Publisher-side Filtering for Content-based Pub/Sub on Edge

Minghe Wang, Trever Schirmer, Tobias Pfandzelter, David Bermbach (TU Berlin & ECDF)

Lunch Break 🥗 🍖 🍺

12:30 - 13:30

Keynote #2: Nicolas Kourtellis - Telefónica, Spain
"Powering the Next Generation Telco Networks with Privacy-Preserving AI"

13:30 - 14:30

Session #3: Edge ML and Analytics

14:30 - 15:30

Time Subject Resources

FLIGAN: Enhancing Federated Learning with Incomplete Data using GAN

Paul Joe Maliakel, Shashikant Ilager, Ivona Brandic (TU Vienna)

A Benchmark for ML Inference Latency on Mobile Devices

Zhuojin Li, Marco Paolieri, Leana Golubchik (University of Southern California)

AlterEgo: A Dedicated Blockchain Node For Analytics

Qi Guo (MPI-INF), Mahdi Alizadeh, Ali Falahati, Laurent Bindschaedler (MPI-SWS)

Coffee Break ☕

15:30 - 16:00

Session #4: Privacy on Edge

16:00 - 16:40

Time Subject Resources

Cerberus: Privacy-Preserving Crowd Counting and Localisation using Face Detection in Edge Devices

Justas Brazauskas, Chris Jensen, Matthew Danish, Ian Lewis, Richard Mortier (University of Cambridge)

Stream Processing with Adaptive Edge-Enhanced Confidential Computing

Yuqin Yan, Pritish Mishra, Wei Huang (University of Toronto), Aastha Mehta (University of British Columbia), Oana Balmau (McGill University), David Lie (University of Toronto)


Time Subject
Torsten Braun, Nicolas Kourtellis, Aaron Ding (TU Delft), Atakan Aral (Umeå University, Sweden), Volker Hilt (Nokia Bell Labs)

Best Paper Award & Closing Remarks

17:20 - 17:25