⚠️ Proceedings Online
April 27, 2023
Programme Available
April 25, 2023
Accepted Papers Online
April 12, 2023
Website Online
December 1, 2022

The 6th International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking (EdgeSys 2023), in conjunction with ACM EuroSys 2023, aims to bring together system researchers, data scientists, engineers and practitioners to identify open directions and discuss the latest research ideas and results on edge systems, analytics and networking, especially those related to novel and emerging technologies and use cases. The EdgeSys'23 workshop focuses on systems, analytics and networking aspects, covering system architecture, distributed ML algorithms, decentralized networking, distributed consensus and ledger techniques, edge services and data analysis.
Over the past five years, EdgeSys has been gathering substantial community contributions in edge computing domain - especially with high quality TPC, keynotes, panel and technical papers from US, Europe, and Asia, including Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft Research, Intel, IBM, Nokia, Samsung, Toyota, Telefónica, MIT, Berkeley, Columbia, Yale, UCLA, Cambridge, Imperial, EPFL, TU Delft, MPI, TUM, Tsinghua, Peking and Fudan.
Workshop Topics
The topics include but are not limited to the following:
- System Architecture for Edge Computing
- Serverless, In-network Computing
- Edge Storage Systems
- Distributed Machine Learning for Edge Analytics and Services
- Edge-driven Data Analytics
- Lightweight Virtualization for Edge Computing
- Distributed Consensus Algorithms and Ledger Technologies
- Infrastructure and Toolkit for Edge AI
- Trustworthy Edge AI
- Sustainable Edge Computing
- IoT Networking and Communications
- (Autonomous) Management for Edge Systems
- System Performance and Measurement
- Security and Trust Management
- Privacy-Preserving Analytics
- Data Provenance for Distributed Processing
- Heterogeneous & Scalable Orchestration
- Joint Optimization of Network, Computation and Storage Resources
ACM Proceedings
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: 10 March 2023
- Acceptance notification: 11 April 2023
- Camera ready: 16 April 2023
- Workshop date: 8th May 2023